The 5 Common Stressors in Life and How to deal with them
Do you ever catch yourself thinking, “If I only had (fill in the blank), I wouldn’t have to worry anymore”? It’s hard to overcome those deeply ingrained beliefs around stressors in life.
We all have stressors in life, things we worry about that keep us awake at night. Everyone experiences stress due to life events, but chronic stress can compromise our health. It can cause irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches, and insomnia. Stress can even weaken our immune system and make us more susceptible to illnesses.
Here are the 5 common stressors and how to manage them.
1. Workplace Stress
Workplace stress is the most common stressor in life for many people. It can come from tensions with co-workers or a boss, work overload, or simply the nature of the work, such as law enforcement. Whatever the case, there are things you can do to reduce the stress.
Here are some effective strategies.
- Start Your Day Off Right
Many of us are stressed out before we even arrive at work. We may have children to get ready and off to school, other responsibilities to tend to, and traffic with angry drivers to deal with.
Start your day off right by getting up early enough to take care of your responsibilities, eat properly, and cultivate a positive attitude. This reduces the likelihood of feeling all out of sorts when you arrive at work.
- Know Exactly What Is Expected of You
Many of us are not entirely clear about what our boss expects from us. This usually happens in smaller companies that may not be as organized as larger companies. It’s important to know what’s expected of you, so you can avoid unnecessary tensions.
Communication is the key to avoiding this type of conflict. If you’re not sure what your boss expects of you, there is nothing wrong with asking your boss to clarify his requirements. In fact, it demonstrates that you are conscientious and sincerely interested in doing a good job, which your boss will appreciate.
- Stay Organized
A disorganized work environment creates a great deal of stress and negatively affects your mental health. You always feel rushed because you’re not sure where things are, you misjudge the time required to perform tasks, and you’re not clear on your goals and objectives. To reduce stress, organize your work environment a little. Start by organizing your work area, so you can easily find your tools and papers.
Then, organize your time by determining how long it should take you to perform certain tasks, and try to dedicate the necessary time and avoid unnecessary distractions. Forget multitasking, as the efficiencies of multitasking are a myth. Studies have shown that people are more productive when they focus on one task at a time.
- Stay Away From Unnecessary Conflict
Much of the day-to-day conflict at work is unavoidable. Each person has his/her own responsibilities, which may conflict with those of others. However, workplace drama is unnecessary and counterproductive.
The best thing to do is to avoid this kind of conflict and stressful events and save yourself the aggravation and stress. Treat everyone with respect, avoid gossip, and avoid sensitive topics like politics and religion.
With conflicts in responsibilities, a good strategy for dealing with them is to communicate your goals and objectives when they seem to conflict with those of co-workers. Remember, you’re all on the same team trying to achieve the goals of the company.
2. Financial Stress
Finances are another of the common stressors in life. We worry about paying the rent, a mortgage, car loans, utilities, and food. We also worry about our investments, especially if we’re nearing retirement.
You may think that simply having more money will take away these worries, but that isn’t necessarily so. Even wealthy people worry about finances.
Here are some suggestions for reducing financial stress:
- Live Within Your Means
One of the biggest mistakes people make is spending more money than they have. Credit card companies are quick to give you credit cards with high interest rates, so it’s easy to overextend yourself.
To avoid this mistake, keep track of your finances, and avoid the temptation to buy things you can’t afford. Set some money aside for unexpected expenses, such as car or home repairs. It’s a good idea to put money in a savings account every month, even if it’s a small amount.
- Educate Yourself on Finances
For those of you who do not have a background in finance, handling money responsibly can be a challenge. Professional football players were notorious for making millions during their short careers, and then ending up broke when they could no longer play
- Ask for Help
If you feel lost or unsure about making financial decisions, it’s ok to ask someone for help. Make sure it’s someone you trust, as there are many unscrupulous people eager to take advantage of others. Consult a loved one or a trusted friend. Parents are a great resource, as well. Learn from their mistakes, instead of yours.
3. Health-Related Stress
For many people, health problems like illness and injury are some of the biggest stressors in life. This is more common when we get older, when our body begins to decline. When we’re young, we’re more resilient, and we can recover much more quickly from injuries and illnesses.
Experiencing an illness is frightening because, until we get it diagnosed and treated, we usually don’t know what is happening to our body, or if we will recover. However, there are things we can do to reduce the stress associated with health issues.
- Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Avoid poor health as much as possible. Eat healthy foods, and in moderation. Exercise regularly and maintain an active lifestyle.
- Know Your Risks
Many of us have certain risk factors that are unique to each of us. Some may be genetic, such as diabetes, heart disease, dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, or cancer. Whatever the case, learn your family history of health issues.
It’s important to talk to your parents. Sometimes they don’t want to talk about sensitive issues, but it’s necessary for your good health.
4. Relationship Stress
Relationships are one of the greatest stressors in life, especially for younger people. We usually aren’t explicitly taught how to have good, healthy relationships. This is something we learn through experience and a lot of heartache, which can lead to having a stressful life for a long time.
When we’re inexperienced with relationships, we usually let our emotions make our decisions for us. We get involved with people that we’re not compatible with, but who we care for deeply. If we’re not compatible, then we engage in power struggles, each person trying to exert his or her will in the relationship. This leads to a lot of stress because we feel like we lack control.
- Communicate
One of the keys to less stressful relationships is communication. It’s important to be open about how we feel and what we’re looking for in the relationship. Sometimes you can work things out, and sometimes you can’t. If you can’t, then you need to move on before each of you has too much invested in the relationship, which makes it harder to end later.
- Practice Maturity
Another key to less stressful relationships is maturity. It takes wisdom and mature emotions to not create unnecessary conflict and drama. These take time and experience to develop, but by being aware of how you’re acting, you can begin to learn these skills.
5. Poor Nutrition
Another stressor in life is poor nutrition. Most of us are not fully aware of how the things we consume can raise our stress level. Here are a few examples:
- Drinking Too Much Coffee: While coffee has many benefits, too much can increase stress by raising the level of cortisol, the stress hormone.
- Eating Foods That Increase Cortisol Levels: There are other foods that raise your cortisol levels, such as refined sugars and simple carbohydrates, red meats, fried foods, and other foods high in fat.
- Skipping Meals: In addition to providing us with the proper nutrients to maintain good health, stopping to eat gives us a break from our busy day, which allows us to relax and de-stress.
- Not Drinking Water: Our body needs water to function properly, and stopping to take a drink gives us a short break.
- Eating Compulsively: We sometimes eat as a reaction to stress, and we usually make poor choices of what to eat when this happens.
- Educate Yourself on Basic Health and Nutrition
You can eliminate a lot of health related stress by knowing what is happening in your body. Nowadays, there is a wealth of good information on the Internet about almost every health issue you can think of.
In order to live a healthy lifestyle, you don’t have to follow such a strict diet and exercise regimen. Mainly eat foods that are healthy, in smaller meals, and more often. Also, try to stay physically active. Keep in mind that healthy food isn’t necessarily bland and tasteless.
- Meditation
When it comes to dealing with stressors in life, mindfulness meditation is a powerful tool.
Meditation doesn’t necessarily solve your problems, but it does enable you deal with them much better. In addition, it calms your mind, which leads to calmer emotions.
Mindfulness meditation is easy to practice, and you don’t have to meditate for long periods to get the benefits. If you’re new to meditation, just sit quietly for 5-10 minutes following your breath. Do this several times a week, and you’ll notice a difference in the way you feel, and you won’t react so much to things that trigger your fears, anger, or anxiety.
8 Signs That Suggest You Really Need To Take a Break
We are a generation that likes to work hard and party harder. We work long and odd hours every day and tend to get a little rest on the weekends. This becomes a routine for our body. We wake up, we work, we eat, we party and then we sleep. But when do we really get the time to relax? Rarely does the thought of some downtime cross our minds. When it finally does, it’s often too late and we are already heading in for a breakdown. To prevent that, here are 9 signs you shouldn’t ignore and help point out that you’re in serious need of a break.
1. Always On Edge
You know it’s time for a holiday when even the slightest thing can throw you over the edge. Whether it’s you being cranky all the time or just pissed off with things and people in general, these are signs that you need a break. Do a little introspection and think about how you’re living your life in regards to your schedules and lifestyle. These are major telltale signs you need a break.
2. Unable To Cope With Stress
Feel like you can’t take it anymore? Well, stress does that you! It has a sly way of building up and manifesting itself over time and can often go unchecked or unresolved. Since stress doesn’t have a physical form and is a mental manifestation, you often find yourself unable to cope with things. Daily activities or tasks seem mundane and too tough. Stress isn’t something you should take lightly and a quick little holiday can make all the difference.
3. Cannot Deal With Your Surroundings
People and places you once liked all seem annoying and boring now. Even your chill spots are now places you want to avoid because you just can’t deal with it. If you really start to think why or what is the reason behind this, you come up empty-handed. This is a clear indication that you need to take a break from your daily life. Routines can often make even the most fun things seem annoying.
4. Mental Block
A major sign that you need to take a break is when you start to feel that you have a complete mental block. Despite what people think, it’s not only creative people who get a block. When you feel like you can’t think straight or feel like your brain has completely shut down, it’s a definite signal that you need to step back and take a break.
5. Perpetually Tired
Routines can be a tiring affair, of that there is no doubt. But, when you wake up tired and feel lethargic all day, it’s probably not because you had a long night. Sure, that could be a contributing factor, but if you’ve done it before, why is it suddenly becoming a problem? Remember, your body may feel things that your mind cannot comprehend. Try taking a break and see how refreshed you feel after that.
6. Find Yourself Spacing Out and Not Being Able To Concentrate
Daydreaming a lot? Or maybe you just can’t stop thinking about a holiday. That’s actually a sign you need to take a break. Seems too convenient? Well, if the studies are to be believed, the mind often thinks about what you want the most. Often times, when your mind cannot take it anymore, it becomes hard to concentrate. This results in irrational thoughts and a mind that is scattered all over the place.
7. People Tell You That You Need a Break
You know it’s time you took a break when even other people can notice how messed up you are. Often times, we tend to disregard what others say and overlook all the signs. Call it divine intervention or a rude awakening, but when people start telling you that you need to relax a bit and go on a holiday, listen to them. They can obviously see something that you’re missing out on. Of course, we don’t expect you to listen to every random person, but people who are near and dear.
8. Deteriorating Health
Falling sick too much? It’s a sign, that you need a change. Be it the environment you’re in or the situation, you need to give it a rest for a while. A healthy mind can actually lead to a healthy body. If you’re constantly bombarded with stress and a workload, you’re bound to overlook your health in the process. A short getaway will work wonders for your body as you give it time to recharge.
Start planning out your leaves if you haven’t already! Remember, your health and wellness should always come before anything else. If you start to compromise on it, the ripple effects will consume you. Even a quick weekend getaway can work wonders, so don’t just limit yourself to going to fancy places. Holidays are like food for your soul, so treat them that way!
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